E050: Nature Has Nothing to Prove
episode 050
Welcome to HOL:FIT Talks!
This is a show for YOU …
the one interested in owning your health, leading your life + living your legacy ⚡
(ps … I am another you)
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🗒 On Today’s Show:
It's Q + A Day where much of the conversation focused on using discernment, building trust with ourselves and having nothing to prove.
🖥 Join LIVE on the last Wed of the month at 2pm EST: http://www.hol-fit.com/live
🎧 SUBSCRIBE to the podcast: http://bit.ly/holfittalks
📒 All episodes + show notes: http://www.hol-fit.com/podcast
Ready Set www.hol-fit.com/glowdetox: The week long detox program runs April 29 - May 5! This is a program open to anyone for purchase! Oils are optional for this detox, but I’ve created a page to show you what you could use: www.hol-fit.com/oilsfordetox
Programs headed your way:
Launch Camp: I have a 5 week program coming up for you if you want to launch your doterra wellness business. www.hol-fit.com/oils
Healthy Habits Program:Runs June 10 - 30 for those in the Hol:Fit Oil Community. Read more: http://www.hol-fit.com/blog/doterrahealthhabits
Money Series: Answering your questions about money. I’ll be sharing my financial health checklist/tracker, we will have a community QA + adv. April 30th is drawing near so I’m sure you’re in the tax space right now.
🙋 Questions submitted for this show:
Q1: What about people who won’t use oils in clinics or offices or public places because of the “scent allergy” what do you suggest for people to turn to for resources?
Q2: Not Looking to bash another company however I have customers discussing switching to Revive. When I looked into it, they are comparing their oils to doTERRA (which is flattering but insane that their claiming internal use is safe with their oils). However people who don't get the true value are now believening this is a legit company. Any insights into this and is doTERRA taking any action or how to handle it with my customers?
Q3: Not super conversation-promoting, but what brand of coffee do you use and what’s your preferred coffee maker/machine?
Q4: Hi Ange! Thanks for all the value that you add to the community! I'm in South Africa which is just about to open as a new market. My question is what tips would you give someone like me on how to build in a new market? Like when you started, there's very little brand awareness in my country. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Q5: What do you say to people that say “we don’t believe in oils” I seem to be coming across more people that don’t “believe” in them and don’t want to even give it a try?
Q6: Can you talk about Collaboration? Specifically if there are a few doTerra leaders in one town or area from different teams......what might that look like? Advantage? how can support, encourage and engage each other-co-teach etc. and still all grow and thrive to the levels we desire. Joining together to beat scarcity mentality and lift each other up w/o competition or “edginess”
Q7: When learning/growing as a leader how do you portray authenticity with currently learning while being the point person - specifically for your online audience?
Ready Set Glow: www.hol-fit.com/glowdetox
Study: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/newborn-babies-chemicals-exposure-bpa/
Healthy Home Shop:www.hol-fit.com/healthyhomeshop
🖥 the hot LINKS:
Essential oils at 25% off: hol-fit.com/oils
The Beautiful Life Lab: www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelabdetails
HOL:FIT Coaching Tools: http://www.hol-fit.com/tools
HOL:FIT Development Library: http://www.hol-fit.com/library
HOL:FIT in your inbox: http://bit.ly/holfitinbox
Music playlists: hol-fit.com/music
The HOL:FIT Faves Shop: https://www.hol-fit.com/productshop
Are you a health influencer? Please connect with me: www.hol-fit.com/healthinfluencer
🗓 Join us for the next live podcast: May 22
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