Times Like These
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me,
Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
I woke up at 3am with a pit of anxiety … Made the mistake of reading up on some of the developments too close to bedtime last night.
Borders being shut down, businesses being forced to close and driving families into financial worry while their kids are home and a vaccine being pushed as quickly as possible to market.
Further to my post last week, things are evolving very quickly.
I’m with you, trying to find that balance between remaining informed but not allowing it to rob our peace and our potential.
We woke up and went for a family walk this morning and it’s going to be our new routine together - to walk in the morning and evening. It only took a few minutes of saying good morning to strangers, for the pit in my stomach to shrink. We are going to get through this … together.
There are so many people showing up right now help in the way that they can … to create a sense of connection + community for you.
I want to highlight some of them here for you.
They are ways big + small.
And if you’re open to being a helper … just ask to be shown how you can.
For example, this morning when we returned from our walk, I was given the simple nudge to create a beautiful morning music playlist. You know how much I believe in the power of music + oils to create the feeling that you are most seeking in your home. Here’s the playlist. And if I may suggest a lovely morning oil blend for you it is equal drops Bergamot + Arborvitae. (Here’s my diffuser guide of blends if you’d like to peruse)
I’m writing you to share some ideas of ways to respond to the time we’ve been given to be home. Of course, all of this can be ignored if what you’re feeling you really need right now is simply more rest. Do that. And if things shift and you find you’re craving a little more direction with your time, this post is here.
Most important … look for the helpers. There is a rising up of the community right now …
We are going to get through this and come out better.
And it won’t only be because of social distancing.
It will be because of how we became closer than ever through it.
And remember - you always have the ability to choose your state.
My friend Elena Brower recorded this beautiful video on how to use your oils to do that.
Below, I’m sharing with you some ways to leverage the extra time at home along with an example of the daily ritual we are doing with the kids. I’m also going to share some of the ways your community is showing up in they way that they can. If you’d like to see even more examples of this, click here .
Disclaimer: Please don’t rush right into this list. Spend these first days/ week at home focusing on ways to create calmness and be more present together than ever before. There are several times each day where I feel so much gratitude in my heart to simply be together.
And then when you’re ready, simply ask yourself as you look at options … ‘Is this something my future self will thank me for?’
There’s never been a better time to …
⏱️ SKILL UP IN YOUR BIZ: Teach yourself how to do something you've been putting off: ie) Create your own website: Check out the templates + launch programs avail from the girls at GO LIVE HQ, where I purchased my website template from - they’re awesome! Or launch that podcast … My friend Shana Recker is offering her ‘build a podcast blueprint’ free here with promo code covid19
⏱️ FINISH THAT ONLINE COURSE you purchased last year and never got around to. Or check out a new one such as this essential oil specialist course from doTERRA
⏱️ SETUP AUTOMATIONS to make your life + biz run smoother. Check out my Beautiful Life Lab for help
⏱️ CLEANSE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA + DEVICES. Organize your apps into clean folders on your phone, reduce the amount of people you’re following on social. Check out my Life Program for help here
⏱️ WORK ON THAT BIG IDEA you've had for a while. Get it out into the world. #weneedyou
⏱️ RECORD VIDEOS for your business: Check out Loom for simple screen recording
⏱️ LEARN ABOUT A NEW RESIDUAL INCOME STREAM you could integrate to add more security for the future. You could package up your experience and wisdom into a program or course. Are you creative? Sell your creations on Etsy. Or sell a product you believe in. Our doTERRA business is a great opportunity because that it’s not a fad product, is having a huge positive impact in the world and the business model is established for the long term. One of my business partners, Susan Bursic, is hosting a free virtual series on Facebook next week from Mon - Thurs. You can come learn from lots of different leaders on our team about how + why they build their doTERRA business. Here’s the link.
⏱️ DO YOUR OWN PHOTOSHOOT for the next 6 months of content marketing. Purchase a tripod + remote for your phone camera + voila! I have all the tools I use in my Tools Guide, which is free to you when you subscribe to the HOL:FIT Insider List
⏱️ CREATE AN EMAIL WORKFLOW for your brand + customers. Check out FloDesk
⏱️ WRITE BLOGS + SOCIAL MEDIA content for the next 3 months. I’ve been enjoying doing more writing + podcasts these last few weeks. If you’re not sure what to work on, try creating a content calendar for the next 3-6 months first so you create with better view of how it’s all working together.
⏱️ SKILL UP IN YOUR LIFE: Learn a new language or how to pickle veggies, how to knit, how to paint or change a tire
⏱️ MAKE DIY SELF/HEALTH CARE RECIPES to upgrade your routines. You'll love my Supernatural Recipe guide for this!
⏱️ FIND 20 NEW FOOD RECIPES to make in the coming months. Here are a bunch of my faves.
⏱️ PREP FREEZER MEALS and make double of everything to share with neighbours in need
⏱️ DO SOMETHING KIND FOR ANOTHER IN NEED: order groceries for delivery to a family that's struggling right now
⏱️ DEVELOP A NEW GRATITUDE PRACTICE. I love using the 5 min Journal book or app (there’s even a kids version). Also, my friend Jennifer Stephens has been going live each morning on her Facebook sharing heart full ways to start your day and created this sweet ‘Grateful Morning’ guide
⏱️ LAUGH OR LEARN SOMETHING NEW: Start a new funny sitcom such as Schitt’s Creek or watch some documentaries. Also check out VidAngel which is streaming all free content this month ideal for families. One of my fave documentaries, Finding Joe, is free right now on YouTube
⏱️ FINANCIAL HYGEINE: Do your taxes 1 month early, setup a new process for tending to your finances monthly so it doesn’t pile up. Go through your credit card statements for the past year and take action on senseless spending.
⏱️ BROWSE PINTEREST for ways to freshen up your home or create a virtual vision board with the kids
⏱️ READ A BOOK, KNIT, PAINT, DO PUZZLES OR CROSSWORDS. Also, Audible has made hundreds of books avail for free for kids right now!
⏱️ ORGANIZE your closet, the basement, the kitchen drawers + the photos on your phone
⏱️ GROW SOME NEW MUSCLES: One of my besties/business partners, Meaghan Terzis, has posted lots of free full body workouts you can do from home, right here. Power Yoga Canada is hosting free livestreams 6 times a day. For free home workouts - check out the Nike Training app. If you have a Pelaton, there are tons of workouts on there and many gyms have taken their workouts online.
A sample daily routine while at home:
✔️ Go for a family walk together before breakfast. Here are some tips for how to talk with your kids
✔️ Early morning grocery store top up if needed
✔️ Breakfast together. Here’s a music playlist I made you for beautiful mornings together
✔️ While in the kitchen, prep any food you can for lunch + dinner
✔️ Check in with loved ones. Also a great time for kids to FaceTime with family/friends - especially grandparents who may be feeling extra lonely right now.
✔️ Check in with local health unit/gov’t for updates. Here is the Canada page for example
✔️ Browse social for only 10 minutes to check in with your fave people.
✔️ Diffuse plant power into the air. Here are 3 brilliant combinations to use throughout the day: OnGuard + Peppermint, Arborvitae + Bergamot, Lavender or Peppermint + Wild Orange
✔️ Kids morning: 2 hrs home schooling block. Check out Adventure Academy and this document a teacher put together of resources for all primary grades. Also, 2 mama business owners on our team have created some amazing free online content for other moms/teachers, check out what Alison Yeo has done here and what Yolanda Koole has compiled here. I like to play soft music during this time such as this piano + ocean waves playlist
✔️ Exercise: great time for everyone to go do something to move their body. Mamas - try to get some alone time here with some good music or a positive podcast
✔️ Lunch: Consider a big salad each day
✔️ Kids Afternoon: 2hr creative, play or reading block. Audible has made hundreds of books avail for free for kids right now & here is a great list of kids podcasts. Here is a great ‘Time Capsule’ project for the kids
✔️ Smoothie break for everyone: Example: 1 cup almond milk, 1-2 cup organic spinach, 1 cup frozen berries, 1 tsp chia seeds, 1 scoop protein or collagen (see some good ones here)
✔️ Dinner: Try to have a different coloured veggie each night
✔️ Family evening walk … talk about your day for tomorrow
✔️ Think about needs for tomorrow … order online for quick pickup