Come to the Table ...
In this blog, I’m sharing a few rituals we have during Thanksgiving weekend … some of my fave recipes to make, music playlist and great essential oils to diffuse.
You’ll notice that you anchor in the memories in a deeper way when the senses are activated!
Thanks for being here!
Enjoy and please share if you find value …
happy thanksgiving weekend 🍂
This weekend is a segway into the next season …
a season of cozy dinners, more time around the table and a changeup to hobbies, workouts + more nourishing warm foods and a beautiful reminder of all we have to be grateful for. Gratitude after all, has been discovered to be the greatest contributor to a happy life …
I believe that time spent around the table in real conversation with the senses fired up is very healing.
If you’ve done my LifeScrub mini series, I talked about this during the Home Scrub Session … that I one of the best things you can do for your immune system, is to create health + happiness within your home.
And with that, I also have learned that the best way to create memories, is to activate as many senses as possible in the moments you want to remember. So I wrote this blog post to give you some ways to do that this Thanksgiving music playlist, diffuser blends to try + some of my fave recipes to make at this time of year …
Listening to:
I made you this
Here’s a special HOL:FIT Thanksgiving playlist I've created on Spotify
This is what we're playing at our house to create that cozy vibe …
For all my music playlists: click here
Eating …
Here is what I'm creating in the kitchen, you can click each recipe to view:
Kale Salad
Lentil Walnut Dip with Veggies + Mary's Crackers
Sweet Potato Mash in the Instant Pot
One Pot Whole Chicken + Veggies (save the bones to make Bone Broth after in your Instant Pot)
Roasted Brussel Sprouts with grapes + walnuts
Cranberry + Lime Spritzer
Pumpkin Peanut Butter Cookies (these are amazing!)
Pumpkin Spice Lattes (keep the sauce in the fridge for quick bevvies throughout the week)
And here is a link for a free 45 day trial to 'Plan to Eat' which is the virtual meal planning tool I love!
The aromatics …
If you've been around me for a little bit, you know why we don't use fragrance or toxic chemicals in our home.
But we definitely know how powerful our sense of smell - especially for anchoring special moments to memory!
Plants do a much better job in the aromatic playground than humans could ever mimic in a lab.
Here are some lovely diffuser blends to try this weekend:
For more diffuser blends - check out my free guide here
a quick note on essential oils:
You likely know by now that I only recommend doTERRA.
To date, this is the decision I am most proud of myself for making for our home …
At first is was because their quality is unmatched, but then the sustainable sourcing and integrity of the company became quickly apparent and important to me.
The beautiful element of using doTERRA is that as we use these pure bottles of oil for our own healing, we circulate money directly back to the growers around the world that.
My girls have grown up health + strong, through the integration of these essential oils, clean water + a solid 80% of their food being whole. If you would like to purchase doTERRA at 25% off as a wholesale customer - click here.
I’ve created the perfect Winter Starter Kit for you, which will help you build a strong health foundation:
If you click the image or right here, you’ll see I’ve created the cart for you already so all you need to do is fill in your shipping + payment info. Note - This is priced for the Canadian market.
Simply email me at if you would like me to help you purchase from another country.
Also a quick note on candles:
if you are going to use them, use 100% pure beeswax or 100% plant wax from coconut, soy or hemp.
Almost all candles on the market today are made from paraffin wax which releases dangerous vapours into the air while burning.
This will be very taxing on your respiratory system and at a minimum will cause headaches and burning eyes.
Fall cleaning recipe …
One of the quickest ways to create a healthier home is through the products we are using to clean our surfaces.
Just say no to icky cleaning chemicals - this is the easiest switch to make!
Here is an awesome all purpose cleaning recipe that will create a beautiful fall/winter aroma as you clean + boost your immune system!
2 tbsp OnGuard Cleaning Concentrate
10 drops cinnamon oil
10 drops wild orange oil
2 cups water
Add all to 16oz glass spray bottle + spray all the things
If you want to transition your home over to all green cleaning, here’s the link to my Green Cleaning School
I’ve laid out all my DIY recipes for creating a healthy happy home and recorded short videos in each room of me making the creations.
✨ I’m honoured and grateful to be a part of your journey as you create your healthy beautiful life!
Thank you for what you are doing to better yourself and our world,
Happy Thanksgiving!
ps - this post was made possible by giving my kids some activities to do ;)