the power of nature

welcome to a whole new world

Are you wanting to learn more about this essential oil lifestyle I’ve been teaching for the last 6 years?
You’re on the right page 🤸‍♀️

If you’re looking for the simple steps to purchase doTERRA at wholesale price, click below to hop over to that page:

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You can use my link to purchase doTERRA at 25% off. You can choose just an oil or choose a collection of oils + products bundled at a reduced price.

This link will also give you your own free wholesale account which gives you a full year of purchasing doterra at 25% off whenever you want to shop (No monthly minimums)


So first, I want to acknowledge a few barriers you may have coming into this conversation about doTERRA.

1. You may be doubtful that these oils will work for you.

2. You may be questioning whether there is any difference between doterra oils and the others.

3. You’re aware that doTERRA is sold through the network marketing model …
doesn’t that make it a pyramid scheme?

I’m opening up with this because I had the same concerns.

So let’s say you’ve tried essential oils before … perhaps you tried lavender for sleep or peppermint for headaches and it didn’t help at all.
What if what you tried in the past wasn’t essential oil at all?
What if what the stores are selling, are simply bottles that were created to smell like peppermint or lavender without any of the plant power in it?
How would you actually know? And could your results be different if you were actually using pure plant?

doTERRA is not only the largest + most trusted brand in the world …
they are also the most transparent regarding the amount of quality testing on each oil (54 different tests) and the lengths they go to to source all over the world where the plants thrive in their natural conditions. This is what puts doTERRA in a completely different category than what you’ll find on store shelves.

You can hop over to their quality + sourcing portal called Source to You and scan your bottle to see the most recent quality testing report and read about the sourcing of the oil. Note - that website keeps all the other essential oil brands up at night because it invites them to the table to be more transparent with what’s in their bottles.
There is nobody regulating this so you have to do your research.

To speak to the third concern that you may have about doTERRA being sold through the network marketing model
You first have to think about where your perception of this business model was formed.
Was it that friend you hadn’t talked to in 10 years that suddenly kept messaging you to try and recruit you?
Or perhaps it was that time you got sucked into going to what you thought was a girls night out only to be pitched a business model for 2 hours.
I’ve been there several times

Everyone has a story around this topic …
Sometimes it’s as simple as hearing everyone else throw the ‘pyramid scheme’ label around.

The reality is … when a company has a great product to sell, it’s going to change more lives if it’s shared experientially through a person to person model.
When you buy a product off the shelf, it ends there. There is no community support or education to help you as you integrate and make changes in your life.
This is what actually makes doTERRA so great!

But here’s what’s unique in doTERRA…

Almost 90% of the 8 million+ people purchasing doterra … are customers. Not people doing the business.
So that completely changes the dynamic. There are many other companies out there that have given this business model a bad rap because they are so heavily focused on recruiting + making money. You will notice in these companies there’s a very basic product that doesn’t really change lives and they work it into a money making agenda.


That is not the case in doTERRA.
Community + culture are everything here and you will come to experience that once your first kit of oils arrive.

I’ve been sharing + educating about doTERRA for over 6 years. We have almost 100,000 customers from around the world in our community,
and I care hard about creating an experience for you that you could not buy on a retail shelf.
And it may surprise you to learn this … I lead one of the largest teams in doTERRA and I have never once offered a business opportunity session.
In fact I encourage everyone to start as customers, and to not rush into the decision to build a doTERRA business.

To put it more clearly … I don’t want people joining this movement that are focused on making money ahead of taking care of their own healing + taking care of each other.
Don’t get me wrong … I think it’s super important for women to be financially independent and I love the opportunity that exists here to do that. I mean this business has completely changed my life and the lives of hundreds of women on our team. You can learn more about them here.

It’s not what I lead with though. Because I have a deep respect for the process + the importance of leading yourself before you lead another.
I hope this context helps clear up any perceptions you may have had about this movement.

We have never lived in a greater time of access to the information + tools that we need to live a long, healthy life.
And yet that can also feel overwhelming when there are so many approaches + claims out there.

It’s helpful to understand that your body is designed to heal itself when it receives what it needs.
Think about it what happens when you have a cut … your body goes right to work to heal it, a scab might form and then fall off and you have new healed skin.

Every organ in your body becomes new within months, and the only time we run into trouble is when we aren’t giving the body the proper support to heal.

Nature has an unmatched wisdom and the ability to lend to our body the same harmony it exists in.
I’m excited to introduce you to doTERRA and how it is the key tool we use in our home to live a beautiful + natural life!

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join my next online class

or watch previous recordings


What do you want greater support with?
These oils will help you
sleep deeper decrease pain improve digestion strengthen your immune system have glowing skin

Would you like to experience a Sample customized to your health priority?

I purchased many brands of essential oils before trying doTERRA …
Ten years ago, I didn’t realize there was such a difference in quality. As I began researching all the different essential oil companies, there were several things that attracted me to doTERRA that I’ll share with you here. 

I was drawn to their vision of upgrading our healthcare system + empowering every home to have the tools to live a natural health lifestyle. The way we live, the choices we make, the products we use, the food we eat, the company we keep etc ...

it’s an expression of our core beliefs

You’ll be amazed at how the quality of doTERRA oils support your body in healing + solve every day problems that pop up.
Here’s a list of 150 things you will do with the Top 10 Oils

150 ways to use the top 10 essential oils

150 ways to use


doTERRA is the largest essential oil + wellness company in the world with over 9 million customers.

here’s why:

The co-impact sourcing model:

  • The the way that doTERRA sources is actually the most expensive way to do it … but it’s the right way. They source globally where the plants are meant to grow and not only that, they work WITH the farmers there to create a better economy. There is a dark shadow in the essential oil industry where most brands are using middle men to rob the global farmers of their potential. doTERRA’s model creates global abundance. You’ll want to read look around on Source to You (This website causes a disturbance for other essential oil companies because it demands a level of transparency they are not currently willing to provide)

The purity standard:

  • There is no governing body overseeing the essential oil industry. So that means there is no reason for a brand to be honest about what is in that bottle of 100% pure frankincense they’re selling for $7. This is why doTERRA created the Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade stamp of quality (CPTG) so that you know doTERRA stands for having the highest quality, highest purity and most sustainably sourced essential oil in the world.

The leadership + culture:

  • The integrity within the culture of doTERRA begins with the 7 owners that make up the executive team and then it circulates throughout the highest levels of leadership ranks within doTERRA. You’ll notice a theme of alignment, conscious leadership + integrity here.

When you begin the journey of self leadership + empowerment with your health …
you will discover that a whole world of opportunity exists for you that you didn’t see before ❤

To guide you, you’ll have immediate access to our HOL:FIT Private Facebook Community, Resources + Healthy Living Programs!

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"I believe that there is a healing potential locked inside plants which is integral with their evolution,
just as it is part of human evolution to learn to tap this wonderful give of nature."

Rudolph Steiner



diffuse to have:


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150 ways to use the top 10 oils

150 ways: the top 10 oils

You may be wondering what you'll do with these oils when they arrive. But the new question will be what did I do before these oils?


essential oil safety

There is so much mis-information out there, learn the truth about using doTERRA

doTERRA Live Guide - design your wellness

doTERRA Live Guide - design your wellness

diffuser blends to try

diffuser guide

You've likely seen me share over on Instagram some of my fave combinations to put in the diffuser. Here they are all in one place.



A collection of essential oil experiences shared in our beautiful HOL:FIT community.

doTERRA Canada Blend Names + Resource Book Name

doTERRA Canada Blend Names + Resource Book Name

free essential oil class

free 60 min class

You may be wondering what you'll do with these oils when they arrive. But the new question will be what did I do before these oils?

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oils: babies + kids

A collection of usage + safety advice

Dr Hill's doTERRA Daily Wellness Blueprint

Dr Hill's doTERRA Daily Wellness Blueprint

my fave from doterra:


trainings I've recorded for you:


Want to purchase doTERRA at 25% off as a wholesale customer?

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frequently asked questions:

Q1. What does it mean to be a wholesale customer?

To become a wholesale customer, you can open up your access by either purchasing a starter kit which has the wholesale access pass bundled in. Or by just purchasing the Intro Booklet which is just the wholesale access pass. This gives you a full year of purchasing doTERRA at 25% off whenever you want to shop. There is no business oppourtnity attached to this. 90% of the 7 million+ people in doTERRA are wholesale customers.

Q2. Will I have to purchase monthly?

No, you can purchase whenever you want from your personal doTERRA store at your 25% off price. There is an optional monthly rewards ordering program where you receive free product + all shipping costs back. Click Here to learn more about it.

Q3. Aren't essential oils just pretty smells?

The ones at the mall, gas station or big box store will be basically just that (if that). With doTERRA, you are purchasing the distillation of the purest aromatic compounds in plants. They are what many of us would consider our first level of health + selfcare.

Q4. How do I know the oils are the highest quality with so many brands claiming the same?

You're right ... there are many claims out there and many brands trying to copy. doTERRA is the largest medicinal grade essential oil brand in the world and the oils are the most pure, potent + trusted. There is simply no other company going to the efforts that doTERRA is to ensure you are receiving the highest quality essential oil, sourced in the most sustainable way. You'll want to watch this:

Q5. How will I know how to use the oils?

When you purchase oils here with me (or someone on our HOL:FIT team), you become part of one of the largest essential oil communities in the world! We have education, health programs and lots of support for you as you begin this new journey! You cannot put a dollar amount on this value and it's certainly not something available on a retail shelf. For example, we have a weekly email education series that will guide you through opening up your bottles + putting them to work. And throughout the year we offer free health programs such as our Essential 30 Cleanse and Healthy Habits Program

Q6. What if I want to build a doTERRA business down the road?

I encourage you to begin as a wholesale customer even if you are wanting to build the business. It's important that you have at least 3 months learning + applying your knowledge of the oils before you begin sharing them with others. You can upgrade after 3 months to be a wellness advocate for free!

Q7. My uncle told me doTERRA is a pyramid scheme - is that true?

Pyramid schemes are illegal, but that term is thrown around alot. doTERRA is purchased through the network marketing model, which means that instead of the company investing into retail space, billboard ads or magazine/radio advertising ... they invest into people. So you are buying your essentials oils through me rather than through the CEO of Walmart or Amazon. And through that - you will experience what I believe is the best part of all of this, which is our community + education + access to our amazing health programs to guide you along the way! All things you wouldn't have access to if you were to purchase essential oils elsewhere.




wellness box


When you start as a wholesale customer,
you then have access to purchase doTERRA AT 25% off whenever you want to shop for a full year!

You also have the option of participating in doTERRA’s optional monthly wellness program, called Loyalty Rewards, which you’ll learn all about below.
Over 70% of the people I’ve welcomed into doTERRA, order this way.
It’s the best … keep scrolling to learn why:

Videos about the rewards program:

I customize this box every month

and it shows up on my doorstep and saves me so much time not having to go around to various health stores like I used to years ago.

Also, as someone who has invested in natural products for over 10 years,
I can assure you that the quality of everything doTERRA creates is incredible! The toothpaste, the mouth rinse, the skin care, the body care, the green cleaning products, the supplements, and obviously the world’s most amazing essential oils …

This program simplifies my life as all the products that I love for their natural potency … arrive on my porch!


This is the best rewards program in the natural health space …

and one of the only that recognizes your efforts in taking care of yourself in a healthy way!
Your HOL:FIT team has curated specific wellness boxes for you to order based on what your top health priority currently is.

Note - each of these collections equal at least 125pv so that you maximize all the perks of the rewards program!


Watch this video to learn about our Wellness Box Creations:


choose your adventure

We’ve curated the following 24 wellness boxes to support you in your health + natural lifestyle goals!



Q1. How do I start ordering through the rewards program?

Just log in to your doTERRA store and click 'create new LRP', choose your monthly ship date and then add whatever items you'd like to receive in your box this month. You can click 'ship now' and then you can go back in and edit your cart with what you would like to receive next month. Make note of the ship date you chose so that you remember to login and edit your monthly order each month. Here's a 2 min video that explains the Rewards program really well:

Q2. Do I have to order a certain amount each month?

You actually only have to order 1 product a month to stay in the rewards program. But if you'd like to earn the free product points, you would want to place at least a 50pv order each month. The next level of monthly perks is given when you place at least a 125pv order by the 15th of the month, you'll receive a free product in your Wellness box!

Q3. I'm not sure what to order - any advice?

Yes! 📦 Look through our collection of over 20 curated WELLNESS BOXES to support you in taking care of your health priorities this year:

Q4. When + how do I receive my free product points?

On the 15th of each month, you'll see that your point bank is updated based on your order the previous month. When placing your next order, you can cash these points in! I recorded this video showing you how: This rewards program is the highest rewards paying program in the natural health space! In just 2018, doTERRA paid out $321 million in free products to the customers that order this way!


