Green Thumbs & Bellies
I've been getting my juice moustache on once again now that I'm back to craving the healthy foods in this glorious 2nd Trimester ;) And I gotta say....I love the buzz of the millions of enzymes floating through my bloodstream every morning! Did you know that juicing your veggies is the easiest way to access clean cells, a strong immune system & glowing skin? If there is ONE THING you could do right now to improve your health it would be to start drinking fresh, alkalizing veggie juices several times a week.
Here is my go to morning juice recipe & I'm begging you to try it tomorrow morning:
Green Lemonade:
~ 1/2 head romaine
~ a few kale leaves
~ 4 celery stalks
~ 1/2 cucumber
~ 1/2 whole lemon
~ handful parsley
~ pinch of ginger
The key things you want to remember when juicing:
~ When purchasing a juicer, look for the one with the least amount of parts so cleanup is a breeze!
~ Aim to buy organic produce & scrub clean first
~ If you can't buy organic, make sure you spray & clean your produce with
(click the link for my easy, homemade recipe as well as many other green cleaners)
~ Have a glass of water first thing when you wake up. (add lemons for extra superpowers)
~ Have your veggie juice a few minutes after the water
~ You will probably find that this diminishes your hunger for a bigger breakfast, but make sure you wait at least 20 min before eating so that the juice makes the most impact on your cells!
Juicing creates a ton of "pulp" and I don't like seeing that go to waste so I have 2 delish ways for you to use that up!
Also, if you want to learn more about why juicing is so VITAL to your health , my fave books on this subject are:
by Natalia Rose
by Kris Carr
And now for a few highlights of our weekend....
Feeding the Duckies down in Port Dalhousie
Toddler Green Thumbs
Don't be fooled...this is Chloe's garden ;)