
Ready, Set

Are you ready to make your goals real?

Let’s do this!

Before we dive in …

there are usually 3 reasons that a rank goal in doTERRA isn't’ met:

Lack of planning

Unrealistic expectations

Lack of follow up from class + leads.

So let’s dissect your goals, and put the proper systems in place so you can meet (and exceed) your business goals.

3 Truths:

1. Everything that happens from this day forward, is happening FOR YOU. Obstacles + setbacks are the most common mis-interpretations of success in this business. Be grateful for them and be aware of your attitude through them. EXPECT NOTHING + APPRECIATE EVERYTHING

2. As you grow to a new rank - everything that requires healing is going to bubble to the surface for you to guide you towards the next rank. 

3. It's not about the rank - but it's not not about the rank. Your rank growth will come as your personal growth comes. 

It's a reflection of how deeply you are living as the human BEing you already are ;)


business tools


Are you ready to hit your next rank?

Find your Road Map here through Empowered Success and then prepare to hit it using our success checklist!

We also have team HOL:FIT Rank Toolkits - take a look through your next rank’s kit:

And CLICK HERE for a library of doTERRA Business Webinars:

WATCH THIS INTERVIEW WITH SILVER LEADER LAURA BOURNE who hit Silver with no builders and 30 personal enrollments!

Print this + let it guide you daily:


1-2 Weeks Prior  to rank up month:

Here’s why it makes sense to plan your rank up month in the 2 weeks prior to the month even starting: 

On the 15th, you’ll have a pretty accurate idea of what your LRP volume is in each leg for the following month. AND you want to prepare for success during rank up month and that needs to happen before that month hits!  


  • How will I feel when I rank advance?

  • Why is this the right time for you (& your team) to rank advance? 

  • Listen to this special 13 min Meditation on Yessing Your Next Rank

Checklist for knowing this is your month to rank advance:

  • You have the physical, mental + emotional energy to turn the dial up!

  • You have 15- 20 hrs set aside each week to be filled with 1-2 classes/events, enrolling time, follow up time, mentor time with your emerging builders

  • You have the support of your family in helping with extra household responsibilities - dinner, laundry, cleaning etc. you cannot do this alone!

Your leaders  are excited to make their goals   ie) for going from Elite β€”> Silver:

    • Have 3 committed leaders who want to hit elite and are ready to share/teach

    • At least 800 OV in each of those 3 legs through LRP orders. From there you can break down the remaining approx 2200v needed in each leg ie) 10 x home essentials kits in each of those 3 legs

Create an anchor  to connect you immediately to your goal:

  • Choose your β€˜anchor essential oil’ or customize a blend. Something you will wear and inhale daily to immediatley connect you to your goal this month! 

  • Affirmation to state daily: I am fully supported in all areas of my life…I was born to create my dreams. I am always at the right place at the right time.

Create a Morning Vibe: Decide how you’re going to spend the first 20 min of each day 

    • What time will you wake up?

    • What will be the first thing you look at? i.e.) your affirmation, spiritual book, personal gratitude list

    • What is on your list for the day and what are your top 1-3 priorities?

    • What are your committed doTERRA hours today? (see doTERRA workflow below)

Create an Evening Vibe: Journal EVERY night for the next 4 week on these 4 things:

    • Update your backoffice volumes in your rank tracker

    • What was the highlight of your day?

    • What is something nice you did for yourself today?

    • What is tomorrow’s focus?

1-2 Weeks Prior  to rank up month:

    • Track all the planned LRP orders happening in each leg so you are aware of volume needs

    • If you have emerging builders on your team - have a call with each of them to understand their goals for the coming month and share your goal with them

    • Also chat with all people you’ve enrolled to see who would be interested in hosting a class

    • Consider doing a sampling blitz and inviting all people who respond to your class lineup

    • Post an image to social media/newsletter/text blitz your community to let them know you have the following dates avail to come teach an oils class to their friends + fam. First come first serve and you have a fun hosting gift set aside for them (see hol:fit suggested hosting package

    • Plan meals, babysitting and date nights into the calendar next month

    • Create welcome packages to incentivize people to enrol at your upcoming classes. We recommend using the materials from the Class in a Box for this - each welcome package could have a:

      • Living Magazine

      • 5ml Wild Orange essential oil

      • Mini Usage guide

      • Other options: 

        • a sample packet of deep blue, the toothpaste and a doTERRA lip balm . 

        • a doTERRA travel key chain

  • Complete your Goal Rank Worksheet:

  • Watch this video from Brianne Hovey to know why the 1st + LAST week of the month are the most important!


During Rank Up Month:

    • Take every opportunity to invite people to your classes this month - especially those you’ve sampled

    • Follow up with every person that comes to your classes within 48 hours to thank them for coming and offer a call and purchase info if they didn’t enrol. Plan to also follow up with all of these β€˜warm’ people in the last week of the month. Lindsay Hamm, a diamond leader on our team - recorded this AMAZING video on tips for effective followup. A great listen while you’re in your home office this week

    • Connect with people you’ve already enrolled to see if they’d like to have their welcome call. This will lead to some LRP orders being created. Here are some LRP resources to share with them:

    • Followup with WARM MARKET 2x this month: Search the word β€œoils” in your inbox + FB messages

  • Schedule a 3 hr block of follow-up time in week 1. Also block off time do be able to hop on the phone with leads asap. {diamonds always hop on the phone}

Follow-up Example 1

β€œHi Sara, Thought I would circle back one more time and see if you had any questions or wanted to get started with some oils? I’ll be working from home most of tomorrow so feel free to reach out!”

Follow-up Example 2

β€œHey Kristy, Was thinking about you today and thought I'd say hello! I know you’ve been thinking of getting started with essential’re going to LOVE them! I’ll be in my home office today and tomorrow from 12-3 if you had any questions and/or want to get setup. Here are the quick steps if you’re interested in setting yourself up:

  1. Click Here (link to your doterra website join + save tab)

  2. Click the 'join doterra’ box at the bottom of the screen

  3. Select wholesale customer unless you want to share + earn with doTERRA, then click wellness advocate

  4. Fill in your personal info and then on the next screen choose whichever starter kit you’re feeling pulled to.

  5. Once you’re setup, you’ll receive a welcome email from me that’s packed with juicy content and a link to book a 1:1 call with me to go over your questions once your oils arrive! Excited to welcome you into our awesome wellness community! xx”

  • Schedule another 2 x 3hr block like this in the last week of the month to do the same.

    • Update your volumes daily

    • Have calls with your emerging leaders weekly

Organizing Your Volume

  • Pull up the detailed genealogy.

  • Enter your Focus ID and show all levels in the organization. If this doesn’t work, try selecting levels 1 to 1

  • Click on the "columns" area just below the focus ID to open it up.

  • Select columns on the left that you need for the report, then click the >> button to move the column into the report. Suggested columns: Name, Phone #, Email, Sponsor Name, Enroller Name, Last Order Date (possibly others)

  • Select each column that will show in the report & click the up and down arrows to the right to move them into the order you want. 

  • On the right of the screen, click Update Report. 

  • Double check the columns and add more or remove columns if needed. 

  • Sort the report by clicking the Last Order Date heading. (Click again to reverse the order if needed)

  • Copy and paste into a spreadsheet so you can print it

Thanks Yolanda Koole for recording this short video showing these steps!

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How to Reactivate Someone and Re-Structure Them In Your Tree

To Reactivate an account that has been inactive for 6 months, meaning, the WA/WC has not placed any orders in the last 6 months, have the WA/WC reactivating send an email with the following content to from their email address on file with doTERRA.


Dear Placements,

My name is (Insert Name) and my WA/WC # is (Insert #) and I would like to reactivate my account as follows:

New Enroller: (Insert Name and WA#)

New Sponsor: (Insert Name and WA#)


The newly reactivated WA/WC MUST place an order in their account within 24 hours to stay in the newly sponsored location.




Your belief in yourself is the most important ingredient!

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What can you remove from your calendar this month to schedule success?


Strategies + Promos Last Few Days of Month:

Leaders love commissions, customers love free product!


Offer this privately to any customers that are in the legs where you need volume:

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If you are leveraging a buy in for your rank, this is a great way to allocate the product you plan to purchase in your buy in.

Do not share this info publicly, but here are the buy in limits for each rank. Talk to your up-line if you don’t know what a buy in is or what the amount is this means.


Offer this privately to any sharers/builders that are within the legs you need volume:

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We know that typically when someone enrols someone - they earn 20% commission and you as their enroller earn 10%. Offer to kick in not only your 10% but an additional 10% commissions. So they earn 40% commission on enrolling someone! You would PayPal them the bonus commission from yourself personally.


Advice from the team that have been where you are:

Alice Abba I knew my numbers big time, had my 4 leaders ready to run with me (I believe in alignment between frontline leaders creates its own magic), 1 silver was already solid, 2 were silvers but not solid and 1 we were running together to take her from Consultant to Silver in 30 days.....which required both my silver babe and me to be so committed to that fun and crazy run together. We knew the numbers, talked several times a day, created a VIP promo group in the last week of the month, she had tonnes of 1:1's during the month and a few classes scheduled. Basically big bold action together. I also offered some promos to existing customers who were inactive for 6 months and moved them over to the leg I needed volume in. Nothing super fancy - just going towards the goal bit by bit. My mindset was prob the most important thing along with the consistent action -- I listened to Abraham hicks financial abundance meditation every morning at 5am (when I did that + 1 hour of work before the babes woke up) and every night before bed with frank rolled on my feet. These days I'm adding high vibe Rose into the mix for my uplevel oils or choice.

Alison Gilmore Yeo The one thing I did that made all the difference for me was telling my entire team of builders that I was going Diamond. It might not seem like a huge deal to some of you but to me it was massive. I tend to only commit to things I know I'll ace (workin' on it ;)...and at the time I made that commitment (to the team of people I KNEW would be most impacted by my shift), diamond wasn't a sure thing. Really, it was the best thing for me though because that was a TOUGH month and every time I wanted to give up I would think about having to tell my team that I didn't make my goal because I gave up--and that conversation wasn't an option. And #2 was being very organized. I had a spreadsheet and knew exactly how much PV we had remaining to fill in each leg. Even just the process of updated the spreadsheet at morning, noon, and bed, was kinda like saying affirmations-the universe knew exactly what I needed and how hard we were working on it.

Brittany Janzen McDonald Same as Alice & I would add: I had a Diamond Playlist I listened to all day, painted my toes, had diamonds everywhere (screens, etc). I made a point of really staying on top of my daily exercise and took a few hours every week to treat / spoil myself. All of my qualifiers were on board AND all of their qualifiers knew & were on board. I incentivized the customers and builders in my lower volume legs. I had my builders on the lower volume legs offer incentives (that I'd provide) to their customers & buidlers. Chatted with some of my LRPers about a big goal I had that month. Had backup plans! ....cause you know when things are about to get really good, they're really tough right before. I planned out an incentive for month end if everything else had fallen through and I was still going to be short. Put 2 of my kids in childcare a bit more then usual so I had more time to connect and more time to teach. Checked in daily with my qualifiers AND their qualifiers! Saved some last minute volume strategies for the 2nd last day! This was an exciting post that came up....cheering you on and can't wait to celebrate you!!!

Ashley Smyth Srokosz All of the above! I was shooting for Diamond last May, earliest March, and in February I had 26 of my own enrolments to place. My other 3 silvers were already solid silvers, so ALL my enrolments went under my new leg that had just started that month (seriously). By the middle of the month, I realized it was possible, and set up my wipeboard that I updated multiple times a day (like everyone else here). I wrote down where the placements would go, where we had classes booked (what leg that volume would go under) and there were no LRP's to fire because it was her first month! By the last week I knew I'd be major buy in territory (I think I bought in 3200 PV, but it was worth it because that particular builder at the top of the leg had never hit premier before, so I got a bonus for her which wiped out my buy-in, so essentially I got paid as a normal Diamond), so I started offering the following: enroll with a Family Essentials Kit, get 50 PV in free oils, enroll with a Home Essentials kit, get 100 PV in free oils. Plus I was in Diamond Club, so anyone local got those bonuses too. By about 4-5 days before month end I pulled out the big guns and doubled the offer above. I ended up having to fill about 1150 PV in bonuses from my 3200 buy-in, but it worked!I knew that once I committed to offering those bonus oil that it was Diamond or bust, because otherwise it would have been 1150 PV in oils out of my own pocket as a platinum.Good luck, you can do this, I can't wait to see the announcement!!!

Brittany McLean So for me it was all about mindset. I had no intentions of hitting diamond when I did but halfway through the month I looked at my numbers (I have a 4x8 white bird that I use for numbers) and realized that it was totally happening and unfolding perfectly. I love all of the suggestions above. If you're watching things happen authentically, and the volume is filling in I would absolutely go for it. Some extra things I did was incentivize with some extra products I had, offered by 100 get 50 promos (utilizing the shit load of points I had) and offered some remainder with the buy in I had (although I used under 1000 of my buy in). I did all the Visual stuff, painted my toes turquoise, had diamonds on boards and had stickies saying you are diamond all over the house. I do want to leave you with this though; hitting diamond naturally, with minimal buy in and the most authentic push has got to be one of the most exciting things in the world. Go for it, but I would wait until it just feels right. You'll get the signs, you won't be able to stop thinking about it and you'll see it unfold perfectly. You've got this babe! So darn excited for you and here if you need absolutely anything (or wanna vent.. that'll probably happen)

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