
The presidential Diamond Toolkit


Your Guide to Presidential Diamond...

The doTERRA Inspire Guide will be your guide to Presidential Diamond.

Congratulations on reaching Blue Diamond! Focus now on expanding belief in your legacy and serving with charity. Create a legacy of love and liberation to make a difference in your community and transform the world.

What You'll Learn

  • Vital action steps to reach and sustain the rank of Presidential Diamond

  • Principles of servant leadership and how to be a wise steward of doTERRA culture

  • Strategies to expand your reach and live your legacy


CLICK HERE for the 2018 doTERRA Opportunity + Earnings Disclosure


CLICK HERE for the doTERRA Compensation Plan


Ready for your game plan?

Start Prepping: READY, SET, RANK




Rank Worksheets

Here you will find:

  • An Electronic rank planner + contact tracker (Click File > Make a Copy from within the google doc)

  • Paper version of the Rank Planner

  • Rank Roadmap

    TIP: Instead of thinking about needing 6 PLATINUMS, focus on creating 18 SILVERS or 54 ELITES. Think about a program to guide the Elites + Silvers with engagement from your current Gold leaders going Platinum



You're not supposed to figure out this rank map ... it's going to figure out YOU ;)


3 Truths

1. Everything that happens from this day forward, is happening FOR YOU. 

Obstacles + setbacks are the most common misinterpretations of success in this business. Be grateful for them and be aware of your attitude through them.

2. As you grow to a new rank - everything that requires healing is going to bubble to the surface for you to guide you towards the next rank. 

3. It's not about the rank - but it's not not about the rank. 

Your rank growth will come as your personal growth comes. It's a reflection of how deeply you are living as the human BEing you already are ;)

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