ready to integrate doterra?
I’d be happy to setup your account for you! Simply fill in the form below …
I know life feels busy right now, and I know you are looking forward to creating a higher level of health + ease in your life.
If you’d like to fill in the form below, I would be happy to setup your account + create your first order for you!
I can text or email you the total before processing if you’d like…
Account Order Form:
Please fill in the form below and I’ll get you setup.
You’ll receive a welcome email from me with our team resources to get you started:
And here is the full product catalog if you’d like to add any other items to your cart at the 25% off price:
frequently asked questions:
Q1. What does it mean to be a wholesale customer?
To become a wholesale customer, you can open up your access by either purchasing a starter kit which has the wholesale access pass bundled in. Or by just purchasing the Intro Booklet which is just the wholesale access pass. This gives you a full year of purchasing doTERRA at 25% off whenever you want to shop. There is no business oppourtnity attached to this. 90% of the 7 million+ people in doTERRA are wholesale customers.
Q2. Will I have to purchase monthly?
No, you can purchase whenever you want from your personal doTERRA store at your 25% off price. The only reason you would order monthly, would be to join the monthly rewards program where you would earn free product + free shipping each month.
Q3. Aren't essential oils just pretty smells?
The ones at the mall, gas station or big box store will be basically just that (if that). With doTERRA - you are purchasing the distillation of purest aromatic compounds in plants. They are what many of us would consider our first level of health + selfcare. You'll come to experience this too with time!
Q4. There are so many brands claiming to do what doTERRA does, but cheaper. Who do I trust?
You're right ... there are many claims out there now. Here's the truth: doTERRA is one of very few big brands that is changing the world in a positive way through their business model + practice. As the largest essential oil company in the world, they are the only essentail oil company that pursues purity, quality + sourcing with integrity. There is simply no other company going to the efforts that doTERRA is to ensure you are receiving the highest quality essential oil. You'll want to watch this:
Q5. How do I become a wellness advocate and build this as a business?
I encourage you to begin as a wholesale customer even if you are wanting to build the business. It's important that you have at least 3 months learning + applying your knowledge of the oils before you begin sharing them with others. You can upgrade after 3 months to be a wellness advocate for free!
Q6. How will I know how to use the oils?
This is what I'm most excited to share with you: through your kit purchase, you become part of our HOL:FIT essential oil community which is one of the largest natural health communities in the world! We have education, health programs and lots of support for you as you begin this new journey! You cannot put a dollar amount on this value and it's certainly not something available on a retail shelf.
Q7. My uncle told me doTERRA is a pyramid scheme - is that true?
Pyramid schemes are illegal, but that term is thrown around alot. doTERRA is purchased through the network marketing model, which means that instead of the company investing into retail space, billboard ads or magazine/radio advertising ... they invest into people. So you are buying your essentials oils through me rather than through the CEO of Walmart or Amazon. And through that - you will experience what I believe is the best part of all of this, which is our community + education + access to our amazing health programs to guide you along the way! All things you wouldn't have access to if you were to purchase essential oils elsewhere.