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The Scientific Makeup of the doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy System

Because different essential oils can cause different emotional and chemical responses, the design of the dōTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy System is based on chemistry. Each essential oil blend in the system is made up of basic chemicals that are categorized into different classifications.

In aromatherapy, different classifications are used to create desired emotional responses.

Each product in the dōTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy System has been designed to achieve a unique chemical profile. In most cases, essential oils can be classi ed as having either uplifting or calming effects. Using distinct essential oil groups, the dōTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy System relies on specific plant categories to elicit emotional responses based on the chemical components included in each essential oil. 

CLICK HERE to view doTERRA’s Emotional Aromatherapy Catalog


How to choose a blend

  • Identify the emotion you might be feeling on the emotional aromatherapy wheel.

  • Select the corresponding essential oil blend that is right for you. (You may find that two or more blends are appropriate to balance your varied emotions at any given moment.)

As essential oil chemistry is naturally complex and each person is unique in their response to specific aromas, you may also personalize your aromatherapy applications by using single doTERRA essential oils from the aromatic plant families corresponding to the emotions found on the system wheel - naturally safe and simple.

A - can be used aromatically

T - can be used topically

N - can be used topically with no dilution (NEAT)

S - dilute for young or sensitive skin (SENSITIVE)

Essential Oils don’t do our Emotional Work for us

 Essential oils can assist individuals in taking an honest look within. They foster the right environment for healing, but they will not do the work for us. In gardening, it is a common experience to pull the weeds while leaving the roots. This is particularly true for hard and rocky soils. To ensure we uproot the whole plant, we can add water to the soil, which allows the entire weed to be removed. Similarly, essential oils prepare our emotional soil so that weeds may be removed with greater ease. However, they do not do the weeding for us. If one neglects to do the work of pulling their weeds, they have simply watered the problem. On the other hand, those who combine essential oils with emotional work reap the fruit of their labor.

Introducing the Emotional Aromatherapy Kit:




Video Resources


Helpful Resources

There is also a Facebook group:

CLICK HERE to view this document on Oils for every Mood

CLICK HERE to view this document on diffusing oils and why

CLICK HERE to view Ange’s complete library of presentation slides, including about 15 slides on Mood Management with oils

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