Sampling Kit
Giving an experience with our oils while educating in some way almost always leads to the sale.
Pro Sampling Tips:
Sample can be given freely when in person … if you are offering them online, consider charging $5 to cover shipping and include extra samples and a usage guide.
Sample only ONE health challenge (likely 2 x different sample oils)
Choose health needs with acute symptoms (something they’ll see a quick results)
10-15 drops in the vial so that it will be enough for a few applications
Always have samples on you and wallet cards with your personal 25% off QR code on them (we teach you how in our Social Sharing Studio)
Involve the family in helping you prepare samples + mailing out packages! (I pay my daughters to do this each weekend in addition to a few other tasks)
The Top oils for sampling are: Wild Orange, Deep Blue, Peppermint, Lavender, Digest Zen and OnGuard. These are the top because they help create a quick and often really great experience! Although don't over promise through giving a sample. Remind that if this sample doesn't give them a great experience, you'll work with them until they find the oil that does!
Deliver the sample in person or send it in the mail (you may include a couple samples for one ailment if you’re mailing them; just tell them to only use one at a time.). Here are some great 5x7 poly mailers
Give them an essential oil usage guide with the sample
Wait until your customer has had a great experience with a sample, before inviting to your class (this is ideal)
Would you like to see my sample offer page? Click here
keep samples on you
And a few wallet cards that have our specific 25% off link through a QR code
(we teach you how to do this in our Social Sharing Studio)
Qualifying someone for a sample:
When someone requests a sample - send them a video first (such as this one) and ask them what they most liked about it,
Once you’ve qualified your customer, you’ll be able to send out a few samples perfectly suited to them once they write you back after watching the video.
Also, make sure you are sharing a call to action (come to a class, or other follow up time. If you are mailing samples, include the class handout.)
P.S. You can sample people through the mail in a cost effective way - see this thread for more details.
But first, establish your personal tracking system.
Want to see my process?
If you’d like to see the process of how I create leads for sampling, you can click here to see an example instagram post and then here to see the form I have them fill in.
I also offer a sample through my virtual classroom page, ideally they would have a sample prior to attending a class with me.
They receive an automated email from me when they fill in the form and then if I decide I’d like to sample them, I package them up + send them to this usage page.
If I decide to send them a sample package, I add them to a new segment in Flodesk called ‘sample experience’ and this puts them into a 3 part email workflow:
Email #1 goes out 2 hrs after I add them.
Email #2 comes 14 days later
and Email #3 comes 10 days after email 2.
I also drag our correspondence into an email folder where I will check in with them each month after their sample experience emails finish.
*Note: I create all of my emails through a platform called Flodesk.
Below, I’ve attached images of everything I spoke of above, with a link you can open the image up to see fully:
The Sample Package:
In the sample package, I include 2 x ¼ dram vials of oil. I want them to experience 2 different oils that work on the health concern they have.
I also include a mini usage guide, a business card and a hand written note.
I put a thin layer of bubble wrap on the samples, put them in a 5 x 7 poly mailer and pop a $1.90 stamp on within Canada or a $1.27 stamp for the US.
I don’t offer samples worldwide.
Sample Supply Shop:
Click here or the image below to go to our Supply Shop for purchasing the Sampling Tools:
Track Your Contacts
{click here to expand + print this success tracker}
Or if you prefer here is an electronic tracker
Follow the instructions to make your own virtual copy. This tracker will guide you in moving your customer from experience to experience.
You will want to look at it every day and let it guide you in who to connect with! Use the memory jogger first to help you build this out.
💡 TIP: Download the Google Sheets app to your phone so you can update this tracker on the go!
sampling scripts
Set expectations around the sample:
“Essential Oils are similar to medication in this way...When you have an ailment and you go to the doctor and receive a prescription and if you use it and it doesn’t work, you usually don’t think to yourself ‘I’m never going to try medication again because it’s all useless.’What you think is ‘That medication didn’t work well on my body so I need to go back to the doctor and ask him for something different.’ We have been programmed this way, we understand that medications affect people differently. Essential Oils are similar in the fact that each oil is not going to have the exact same effect on every single person. So if you use an oil and don’t get the results your looking for, that’s OK, we can try something else. If you’re patient enough with Essential Oils like you are with medication we will find something that is safer, cheaper and more effective for you.”Tell Them How to Use it and What to Look For: “Here’s what you’re going to do: When you’re getting into bed tonight, rub a few drops of this Serenity oil onto your temples. Also graze your pillow with your fingertips. As you lay down and take slow, deep breaths, you’ll feel a wonderful calm come over you. You should feel more relaxed, and you should sleep better. But remember if you don’t get the results your hoping for we can try something else. I’ll call you in two days to see how it goes. Around when is the best time to call?”
Give them an essential oil quick reference guide and explain how to use it.
“Oh and I also wanted to gift you the - it’s an essential oil reference guide. Have a look through it and learn some of simple ways you can use essential oils for the most common ailments.”
Sample Script 1
Hey {NAME}
So great to connect with you!!
I’d love to package up a few samples for you to try based on what you shared below:
SAMPLE 1: include description from below
SAMPLE 2: include description from below
I know you will absolutely love these oils - it is such an incredible feeling to have natural tools at your fingertips! When you’re ready to get started - I’ve explained the simple purchasing steps right here. I’ll check back in with you next week to see that they arrived safely.
Sample Script 2
I’m so excited to share these doTERRA essential oils samples with you based on our first conversation. I’ve included in your package some great usage info on the oils, so you can see all of the opportunities that exist to help others in their healthcare.
There are over 200 different essential oil companies in North America - but they vary greatly in their chemical constituents. In fact about 98% of these other companies are only interested in the aromatic effects of their oils - many of them using synthetics to create that aroma. There are 3 reasons I chose to use doTERRA in my home + coaching:
All doTERRA oils are independently tested through 54 processes to ensure that the CPTG label represents the purest and most potent oils on the market today.
The oils are sourced across the globe where the plant grows abundantly as that is where the highest chemical constituent will be found for that plant.
The company culture is incredible. This was what drew me the most - I feel very aligned with the vision they have and the impact they are having on the world. I believe that your ‘vibe attracts your tribe’ and this is so evident in doTERRA.
It’s because of these 3 things that they have become the largest essential oil company in the world in just 7 years of operating. They have the respect of both the growing community across the globe & the medical community where the opportunity to use a therapeutic grade oil is evident in research and practice.
I know once you take the caps off - you’ll see the difference right away. I’ve included a few ways I personally like to use the oils I’ve chosen for you. Each vial has between 10-15 drops which is about 10 applications:
Sample 1
Sample 2
Enjoy and I look forward to chatting with you again on xxxx to go over any question you have.
Sample description scripts:
Slim + Sassy Metabolic Blend: This blend of citrus oils, peppermint and cinnamon bark is so refreshing and helps to cleanse toxins out of fat cells in the body so weight can be shed. Add 1-2 drops to your glass of water 2-3x a day. Can also be applied topically after dry skin brushing the area.
Peppermint: Sourced from Washington where the highest amount of menthol is found in the peppermint leaves. My favorite essential oil for relieving tension headaches (apply 1 drop to your hand and rub hands together. Take a deep inhale and then massage into temples) It is also fantastic to add a drop to your drinking water - especially if you feel bloated/gassy
Lavender: Sourced from France + Bulgaria … this is the swiss army knives of essential oils! a beautifying and calming oil - I love to add just 1 drop to a little jojoba or olive oil and massage into my skin at night after cleansing. Also just a drop on your pillow will encourage deeper sleep or add a few drops to felt dryer balls when your clothes are in the dryer. Lavender is amazing for skin irritations and for creating a sense of calm. I diffuse 3-4 drops in the diffuser every night before bed, add a drop to my skin oil at night, add 1-2 drops to some epsom salts in my kids bath and use it along with Melaleuca on a cotton ball in the ear for any aches. It is a not well known - but most of the lavender oil sold in North America today is actually a hybrid called lavandin which is grown and distilled in China. This is what leads to a cheaper pricepoint on store shelves.
Elevation {Joyful Blend}: This is my fave scent to wear daily in place of toxic fragrance. It’s so uplifting to apply to your pulse points or diffuser in the house! You can either apply 1-2 drops direct to your pulse points, or dilute 1-2 drops in 1 tbsp of a beautiful carrier oil such as jojoba or fractionated coconut oil and apply to your neck + chest
Lemon: is very cleansing - whether internally to assist through detox programs (1 drop in a glass of water), diffused to clean the air, add 2-3 drops to a soaking bowl of fruit + veggies, to make simple all purpose cleaners (add 10 drops lemon to 1/4c vinegar, 1 tsp baking soda and 1/2c water). And many have experienced emotional clearing with it as well. *Note that lemon oil creates photosensitivity in the sun so don’t apply it topically on the skin if you will be out in the sun within 24hrs of application
Wild Orange: Sourced from the Dominican Republic and the oil is expressed from the peel. It’s powerful aroma is energizing and uplifting when diffused or added to the palm of your hand to breathe in. It supports toxin elimination form the body and stimulates the lymphatic system. I like to add 1 drop to sparkling water, smoothies and greek yogurt to flavour without needing sugar! It supports toxin elimination form the body and stimulates the lymphatic system. It’s also excellent for disinfecting - whether you add a few drops to your diffuser to cleanse the air (Here is a great diffuser blend document that you may want to bookmark) or add 10 drops to 1/2c vinegar + 1/2c water and voila - instant all purpose cleaner!
Rosemary: One of the most recommended essential oils for boosting focus + concentration. Apply a drop to the middle of your forehead or diffuse.
Frankincense: This is known as the “king of the oils” and is so rich in compounds that it can be used for so many things in the body - primarily for inflammation, mental health and promoting skin turnover. I like to apply 1 drop to my skin oils at night to apply to wrinkles.
Balance {grouding blend} This powerful blend of spruce, rosewood, frankincense and blue tansy promotes tranquility, connectedness and well-being and has a powerful effect on the central nervous system. I like to apply 1 to the centre of my forehead throughout the day and the bottom of each foot in the morning.
Deep Blue {soothing blend} This is a game changer for anyone who experiences sore, tired, aching muscles and joints. The chemical constituents penetrate deep into the tissues to reduce discomfort. I love to use this for menstrual cramps or soreness post workout. I just add 1-2 drops to a 1 tsp of carrier oil and massage into the area.
OnGuard {immunity blend} - helps support immune function - especially when you feel those first signs of a threat to your health coming on! I like to add 2-3 drops to a diffuser so that everyone breathing in the air benefits - but if you don’t have a diffuser yet, you can simply add 1 drop to about a tsp of olive oil and massage into bottoms of feet. If you have a sore throat you can add 1 drop to a little shot glass of water and gargle/swallow. I also like to oil pull with it - by adding 1 drop to a tsp of coconut oil and swishing it around in my mouth for up to 20 min in the morning. And for the kids - it’s great to support their immune systems especially heading into the next season - just take 1 drop of OnGuard and add to 1 tsp olive oil and massage into the bottom of their foot or back. It’s amazing!
If you’re not sure what to sample based on health goal/ailment, check out the following resources:
the doTERRA Solutions Page
the Everything Essential website
the Essential Life Book and/or app
The followup:
How are you?
I wanted to follow up and see how you are enjoying the samples I gave you recently.
What was your experience?
How did it help with _____? (keep notes on what sample you gave)
Do you have questions about how to use the oils?
Here's some additional ways you can use that sample...
There are additional oils I think you would really enjoy that will help you and your family with your health goals and needs. I love to have a kit of oils at my finger tips to help us with whatever comes up in our family- allergies, sore throats, bee stings, etc.
My favorite way to help my friends is to help them get the oils at wholesale.
Would you be interested in a wholesale membership so you can save 25%? dōTERRA has a great collection of oils sold in kits which actually INCLUDE the wholesale membership for FREE. (include link to starter kits)
Do you have any questions about the kits?
If people are not ready to place a kit order then say:
Ok no problem, i just wanted to give you an opportunity to get oils before i close my orders this month.
Would you be interested in future classes on oils that I am doing?
Sampling Through Facebook:
1. Reconnect with the person, ask all about them and how they have been.
2. When they ask how you have been, talk about your family etc, but then give them a short version of your product story.
3. Then say "I'm putting together some essential oil gift packages this month with some of the essential oils that we use (be relevant to their challenges or needs). WOULD IT BE OKAY IF I SENT YOU A GIFT PACKAGE?
(not would you like or do you mind, you must say "would it be okay". No one says no to that phrase)
4. Grab their address and let them know that you would like to make sure and explain how to use them and a couple precautions and ask "Would it be okay if I called you when the gift package arrived? Plus, I would love to talk and catch up.
(It's important to get their number otherwise you are mailing them a $3 package with no real way to follow up)
So what are you sending them?
1. A-Z guide or applicable pdf related to a specific health challenges
2. 2-3 high impact oils: deep blue, wild orange, serenity, balance, peppermint etc. Oils that have an immediate impact.
Referrals For Business Builders:
1. Reconnect with the person, ask all about them and how they have been.
2. When they ask how you have been, talk about your family etc, but then give them a short version of your business story.
3. "I know you are probably too busy, but I wanted to see if you could help me keep an eye out or introduce me to someone in _________(City) that I could work with and potentially interview. We have been wanting to work closely with the right person in ___________ (City) but want to be very particular because we will be investing a lot of time and resources into helping them grow this business as one of our partners. We want to make sure it's the right person.
Here is what I'm looking for: (Optional)
1. Someone who is cause oriented. Meaning they appreciate their 9-5, because it pays the bills, but would really like to create a business around a cause that really helps people.
2. Someone who has a passion for educating and teaching.
3. Someone who is passionate about natural health.
(I tend to keep the "here is what I'm looking for, pretty basic so it doesn't overwhelm them and sometimes I don't even mention it, because it's really for them and I just want them to think about it. )
To summarize this content, here is a Sampling Flowchart: