Welcome to the library!
As you probably know, I’m a huge advocate for daily personal development time.
I’ve been sharing resources + books + podcasts through my brand for almost a decade, that emphasize the important of making this a practice.
I even have this as a daily item on the worksheets for the students in The Beautiful Life Lab.
I started the ritual of mindset training + personal growth over 10 years ago …
I began with 30 min a day - often while I was driving or folding laundry.
Over time I began to notice that the quality of my thoughts was creating a completely different world for me to experience. Everything important to me was elevating. And the way I would respond to my day + within relationship was shifting positively.
Now, I spend 2 - 3 hours listening to audiobooks or podcasts every single day.
I usually wake up at 530am + fire an audio up while I do my high action work + then continue listening while I workout (unless the workout is going to require a good music playlist)
I even have my calendar blocked off every Friday afternoon for shopping with personal development in my ears 🤓
Here’s what I’ve learned:
The quality of my mindset + thinking is what I’m paid most for in my business.
Now sometimes I will hear people say, ‘I don’t have the time.’
A great place to start, would be to simply cut back on TV/Netflix, social media browsing and reading/watching the news … and replace that time with audio content that is going to create a different world for you.
Did you know that according to the Nielsen Report, the average American spends at least 11 hours per day watching TV/interacting with Social Media? 11 HOURS!
Also interesting … the average home that earns less than $25,000 a year, watches 7 hours of TV per day.
Even if you were to trade in 1 hour per day of watching TV for personal development, it would change your life.
I’ve compiled all of my fave books + podcasts by topic for you below.
Here’s what I suggest:
Focus on a topic that you know you’re needing to upgrade in right now and stick to that topic for a whole month. If you’re listening to a book for 1hr a day, you’ll likely be able to move through 2 - 3 books from this library in one month.
You’ll be ready to move into confident action in that area and which moves you closer to expert status, which means you’ll be in a position to teach others!
💡 If you’re a leader - consider offering your team a book club this year to move
through 1 book a month together.

the books:
First, I would like to highly suggest you open up a membership on Audible. You’ll find almost every book you love in audio version!
You get your first audiobook free, and then going forward you pay $14.95/month and that gives you a credit every month to cash in on any audiobook you want!! Most audiobooks are around $20 so this a great way to save money and listening while you’re on the go is going to become your fave way to develop!
Click on each book below to take you to the paperback version on amazon…
belief in yourself:
focus + productivity:
money + wealth:
network marketing + Skills:
your customer experience:
essential oils: