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042: How to Own Your Phone (not the other way around)

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Here is a quick recording showing you how I’ve organized my phone onto 1 screen, in various folders and what my apps are within each category:

See this content in the original post



  • doTERRA BOGO Week is on:http://bit.ly/hfbogodoc

  • For November, the podcast topics will be centered around the topics of focus, productivity + owning it to get you warmed up for the launch of my new program - The Beautiful Life Lab. It will launch December 1st and the last day to register will be December 10th. Click Here to be on the list:www.hol-fit.com/beautifullifelab

  • Next week: ‘lifestyle cleansing to welcome your next season'

  • Off the month of Dec and will be back Jan 9th for a Q + A episode

On Today’s Show:

  • Your smarter than your smartphone! Some cold hard facts!

  • Why are we reaching for our phones so much?

  • Do one of these 3 things for behaviour change

  • And I’m taking the top questions that YOU submitted underneath the queue that I posted on Monday

The most popular questions submitted for this week’s show:

  • Q1:I loved your last episode on rituals and love the Beautiful Life Blueprint (can’t wait for the lab). Am implementing new routines and boundaries to increase happiness and productivity. I would love if you can offer some advice specific to those of us still in full time jobs/with young kids (toddler / baby) - your life and schedule is super aspirational (one day!) but for those of us not there yet, how can we implement the same strategies around the bigger structures of every day life (job/family dinner etc). Thank you for all you do!

  • Q2:Related to phone usage: how do you gently guide your followers to find their own answers to questions related to oils rather than being the point person to answer for them and needing to be “on call” all of the time?

  • Q3:I do pretty good managing my phone time. But, My email currently has thousands of emails (probably junk) that I have ignored. What strategy would you suggest in managing this area?


  • Aim to wait 10 min in the open space before reaching for your phone or stimuli

  • Clean up your apps to one screen! See my homescreen apps here: https://youtu.be/Wb0LEoZBJqs

  • This week’s homework will give you the chance to win one of 3 free labs! All you have to is either share this video from Facebook or share this episode and tag me in it. Every share will be put in a raffle!!