We have never lived in a greater time of access to the information + tools that we need to live a long, healthy life.
And yet that can also feel overwhelming when there are so many approaches + claims out there.
That’s why your role as a Wellness Advocate is so important. You have the opportunity to connect + guide your customer through this life changing wellness lifestyle.
For so many, these oils will be the start of a completely new relationship with their body, their health & our earth. The aromatic compounds in these bottles speak the language of health & restoration in millions globally - and that ripple effect is only just beginning.
Connection Truths:
How you feel about yourself impacts how you connect with others
When you get the nudge to reach out to someone, do it as soon as possible
48% of people never reconnect with a contact.
80% of sales are made after at least 5 connections + are made by only 10% of leaders
Your contact wants to be guided confidently by you. They want you to close them …
Imagine you’re hungry and the waitress reads you the menu but never comes back to take your order.
You can ask almost anything you want when you lead out with, "I'm curious ..."
- Have you heard of essential oils?
- Have you ever tried essential oils?
- Have you every attended an oils class?
- Have you ever thought about building a simple doTERRA business?
Hi Ashley,
I’m excited for you to attend class tonight! It starts at 8pm EST and goes about an hour. You should have received an email with the link to the zoom room for tonight and a class notes package - sometimes it hits spam so you might need to look there if it's not showing.
I know you're interested in learning more about using oils for Digestion ... you'll learn some ways to use Peppermint and Digest Zen tonight to help you in this area.
Oh and hang on till the end because you’ll be given a free ebook that you’ll love!
You can text me here with any questions you have after class or if you want help with purchasing.
followup after a class:
Hi Ashley,
I hope you enjoyed the class last night! Were you surprised to learn all the ways you can use these oils?
Let me know if you had any questions or if you’re interested in purchasing a kit. I can help you find the best one to support your health needs + goals if you’re not sure what to start with.
And we have an amazing library of free ebooks + programs to guide you along the way!
follow up with warm market during a promo month:
Hi Ashley,
Just wanted to check in and see if you had any questions about doTERRA that I could help with? I know you’ve been thinking about purchasing the oils and there’s a great promo on this month <insert promo>
I love the <insert start kit> because <share why>
I think you’ll be amazed at how many ways you’ll use the oils and we have an amazing library of free ebooks + programs to guide you once you purchase.
Let me know if I can help!
Supporting Your Customers
Send your customer a short welcome note/text/social message and let them know to check their inbox for a welcome email and education to guide them over their next few months. Add your customer to our welcome series. The first welcome email they receive in our series teaches them how to log into their doTERRA back office and connects them right away to our team resources. They will also receive an invitation to attend our next New Customer Onboarding session which runs on the 3rd Monday of each month at 2pm + 8pm EST.
Something like this:
Hey Zoe,
Welcome to this essential oil lifestyle! I’m so excited for your first purchase to arrive and thought you might enjoy some resources while you wait.
We have a team education email series I’ve added you to which will guide you through getting started with your oils so watch your inbox for that.
I also want to invite you to join our next Onboarding Session where you’ll learn our top tips + resources for getting started. You can register here: www.hol-fit.com/newcustomer
They run on the 3rd Monday of the month at 2pm + 8pm EST.
Okay I’m here if you have any questions - let me know when your oils arrive!
xo, Ange
You might also want to send them a little welcome package in the mail (optional) …
2 week CHECK IN
Write your customer a short note to check in and see how they’re liking their oils so far.
Something like this:
Hey Zoe,
I hope you’re keeping well ♡
I'm checking in to see that your doTERRA products arrived and wanted to know what you think so far?
I added you to our 3 month education emails to guide you as you're getting started but feel free to message me at this email address if you have any questions!
There are few things I wanted to let you know about ...
Each month, we teach a few online classes you may be interested in:
1. On the 1st Monday of the month, we teach a free Intro to Oils Class where we review lots of practical ways to use the Top 10 Oils.
🎟️ You can register for the next one here: Hol-fit.com/oilsclass
(This is also a class you can invite any friends you have that are interested in learning more about the oils to!)2. And on the 3rd Monday of the month, we teach our New Customer Onboarding which is a class just for you and the other new customers in our community to join and learn how to order from your new doTERRA store, our best tips for integrating this new wellness lifestyle and how to start your own 90 day wellness plan.
🎟️ You can register for this session here: Hol-fit.com/newcustomer
If you would like to bookmark our Community Calendar, it has all the classes + health programs we run free for you throughout the year: http://holfit.loxi.io
Please let me know if I can help with anything at all!
To offer customers an opportunity to upgrade to Wellness Advocate:
Just wanted to check in and see how life with the oils is going? Do you think you would ever be interested in sharing the oils and adding an extra income stream through doing so? We offer a free Launch Your Biz program that I can connect you with.
In the meantime, here’s a copy of the Build Guide if you want to flip through to learn more about this opportunity.
You can upgrade your account anytime to be a wellness advocate (no charge). Here's how to change your account type.
And then the only business cost is your personal monthly order (called LRP) of 100pv or higher! Whenever you enroll someone, you earn 20% commission. And you don’t need to worry about wanting to be an essential oil expert first … all you have to do is invite your community to our oil classes that we teach. You invite, we teach and you earn!
Let me know if this interests you and I’ll help you with next steps and add you to our business facebook group!