these oils …

Will be the start of a completely new relationship with your body, your health & our earth. The aromatic compounds in these bottles speak the language of health & restoration in your body 💕


We have never lived in a greater time of access to the information + tools that we need to live a
long, healthy life. And yet that can also feel overwhelming when there are so many
approaches + claims out there.

It’s helpful to understand that your body is designed to heal itself when it receives what it needs.
Think about it what happens when you have a cut … your body goes right to work to heal it, a scab might form and then fall off and you have new healed skin.

Every organ in your body becomes new within months, and the only time we run into trouble is when we aren’t giving the body the proper support to heal.

nature has an unmatched wisdom

and the ability to lend to our body the same harmony it exists in.
I’m excited to introduce you to doTERRA and how it is the key tool we use in our home to live a beautiful + natural life!

What do you want greater support with?
These oils will help you
sleep deeper decrease pain improve digestion strengthen your immune system have glowing skin


I purchased many brands of essential oils before trying doTERRA …
Ten years ago, I didn’t realize there was such a difference in quality. As I began researching all the different essential oil companies, there were several things that attracted me to doTERRA that I’ll share with you here. 

I was drawn to their vision of upgrading our healthcare system + empowering every home to have the tools to live a natural health lifestyle. The way we live, the choices we make, the products we use, the food we eat, the company we keep etc ...

it’s an expression of our core beliefs

You’ll be amazed at how the quality of doTERRA oils support your body in healing + solve every day problems that pop up.
Here’s a list of 150 things you will do with the Top 10 Oils

150 ways to use the top 10 essential oils

150 ways to use


doTERRA is the largest essential oil + wellness company in the world with over 7 million customers.

here’s why:

The co-impact sourcing model:

  • The the way that doTERRA sources is actually the most expensive way to do it … but it’s the right way. They source globally where the plants are meant to grow and not only that, they work WITH the farmers there to create a better economy. There is a dark shadow in the essential oil industry where most brands are using middle men to rob the global farmers of their potential. doTERRA’s model creates global abundance. You’ll want to read look around on Source to You (This website causes a disturbance for other essential oil companies because it demands a level of transparency they are not currently willing to provide)

Their purity standard:

  • There is no governing body overseeing the essential oil industry. So that means there is no reason for a brand to be honest about what is in that bottle of 100% pure frankincense they’re selling for $7. This is why doTERRA created the Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade stamp of quality (CPTG) so that you know doTERRA stands for having the highest quality, highest purity and most sustainably sourced essential oil in the world.

The leadership + culture:

  • The integrity within the culture of doTERRA begins with the 7 founders that make up the executive team and then it circulates throughout the highest levels of leadership ranks within doTERRA. You’ll notice a theme of alignment, conscious leadership + integrity here.

Meet the leaders I partner with:

When you begin the journey of self leadership + empowerment with your health …
you will discover that a whole world of opportunity exists for you that you didn’t see before ❤

To guide you, you’ll have immediate access to our HOL:FIT Private Facebook Community, Resources + Healthy Living Programs!

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